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Pre-order Genesis v1.8 to start Spring with our best tech yet
Pre-order Genesis v1.8 to start Spring with our best tech


  • February 13th, 2019 Update
    February 13, 2019

    February 13th, 2019 Update

    Hi everyone, Here's an update of what we've been up to the last few months and where we're heading: Software Variables The vast majority of our software development efforts since October have been to build out the much-anticipated variables feature....

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  • Openly sharing our business: an update
    January 8, 2019

    Openly sharing our business: an update

    Last month, we announced the public beta of - the documentation hub of our business itself.  Since then, we've received positive feedback that the information is interesting, relevant, and empowering to not only other business leaders, but to aspiring entrepreneurs as well....

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  • Openly sharing our business
    December 11, 2018

    Openly sharing our business

    At FarmBot Inc, we believe that business is a powerful agent for change, and like our products, it can be more powerful when its details are openly shared for inspection, modification, and replication by others. That's why we've committed in...

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  • September 19, 2015


    Two years ago I published a whitepaper describing an open-source technology called FarmBot and a vision for an Open Food Future. Since then I've been building two global communities to help me carry out this vision: the free-form FarmBot Project and the...

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  • January 22, 2015

    Our Launch Strategy

    [et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Crowdfunding is our strategy of choice to launch the first ever widely available FarmBot hardware. This has actually been the strategy since I wrote the FarmBot whitepaper about 1.5 years ago and these are the reasons why:...

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  • November 7, 2014

    Website Revamp

    We just updated our website to have a modern, non-hacked together theme! We're now able to easily add fancy animations, image sliders, full screen video backgrounds, and more. We're hoping that you find it to be more visually appealing, professional,...

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  • September 26, 2014

    Contemplating Using Gratipay

    I've recently come across a service called Gratipay. In essence, one can pledge to give money each week to people or teams for the work they are doing. What makes it interesting is that it is all based on having...

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  • September 24, 2014

    Hardware Monetization Strategies

    In the last blog post, I outlined our reasons for and potential paths to commercialization concluding that it is commercialization, or monetization, that is a necessary component to bootstrap the FarmBot Project towards community sustainability. In this blog post are strategies that could...

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  • September 22, 2014

    Our Reasons for and Paths to Commercialization

    The primary focus at the FarmBot Project is to build a community around using and developing FarmBot technology much like how the RepRap Project has done. This means community sustainability must be reached whereby the technology grows, the community thrives, and the work is accessible to...

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