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March 30, 2021 Software Update

March 30, 2021 Software Update

Today we deployed a new version of the FarmBot web app as well as an update to our documentation hubs. Here’s what’s new:

Documentation search

Since switching off of a proprietary documentation platform back in November, our in-house documentation solution had been lacking search functionality. Today that changes with a new update to all of our documentation hubs. To begin a search just start typing into the search field in the top right of the docs. Note that search results will only include content from the latest version of the docs for the hub you are currently viewing.

Pro tip: When you load a documentation hub the search field will already have focus so you can begin typing a search without any extra mouse clicks! You can also use esc to close the search panel, and / to open it back up.


All documentation hubs now available in-app

We’ve integrated all of our documentation hubs into the app’s help panel so you can quickly reference hardware and educational content too.

And yes, the search feature works in-app as well!


  • Based on data from the recently released setup wizard, we’ve been fine tuning and adding setup steps to proactively help new users get set up more effectively.
  • Increased the timeout period for pings to help alleviate the frontend from “flickering” between bot-online and bot-offline states.
  • Transferred farmbot-py from our experimental GitHub organization to our production one.
  • Merged a French documentation translation and other fixes into farmbot-py (thanks @jsimmonds and @tmaziere for the contributions!)

Coming soon: FBOS v13.1.0

@RickCarlino is in the final stages of buttoning up FBOS v13.1.0 which includes a different network transport layer that improves overall FarmBot reliability. Stay tuned!

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