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August 23, 2022 Software Update

August 23, 2022 Software Update

Today we have another update to the FarmBot web app for you all. Here’s what’s new:

GO buttons

We’ve designed new GO buttons for quickly moving FarmBot to the plant, point, weed, or tool slot currently selected in the left panel. By default, these new buttons will say GO (X, Y), indicating that clicking the button will instruct FarmBot to move only the X and Y axes to the object’s X and Y coordinates, while not moving the Z axis at all.


Clicking the down arrow button reveals options for moving just a single axis, or all three. Checking the ‘Save as default’ checkbox will save the new choice as the default for all of the GO buttons throughout the app.


We hope these new buttons will allow you to quickly move FarmBot to a desired location, be it the exact (X, Y, Z) coordinates, or a staging position in the same row, column, or height.

Companion crop suggestions

You’ll now find suggested companion crops in the crop details panel. Suggestion information is pulled from the crop’s entry on OpenFarm, and can be edited by the community.

Uncropped camera view

The CAMERA VIEW map layer will now only show the cropped and rotated view of the camera for a cleaner default look in the map. To show the camera’s uncropped and unrotated field of view, turn on the new UNCROPPED CAMERA VIEW toggle in the map layers menu.


  • Fixed a text scaling issue affecting the SVG diagrams in the connectivity popup.
  • Added a selection indicator in the map to the currently selected tool slot.
  • Improved the styling of crop search results.
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