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Pre-order Genesis v1.8 to start Spring with our best tech yet
Pre-order Genesis v1.8 to start Spring with our best tech
May 3, 2021 Software Update

May 3, 2021 Software Update

Today we released FBOS v13.2.0 and are announcing some improvements to the web app that were quietly deployed over the last few weeks. Here’s what’s new:


The Lua sandbox now exposes a set_pin_io_mode() function. Thank you @JoeHou for the suggestion and testing!

Additional E-stop indication

Much like when FarmBot is offline, many of the web app’s controls are now grayed out when FarmBot is E-stopped. Additionally, the UNLOCK button will now flash when your bot is E-stopped. These changes draw additional attention to the action you must take before continuing to work with your FarmBot when it is in the E-stopped state.

Short axis length warnings

The input fields for AXIS LENGTH will now provide a warning when the values appear incorrectly low, which can sometimes be the result of an incorrect FIND AXIS LENGTH operation. The warnings will appear for X lengths less than 1000mm, Y lengths less than 500mm, and Z lengths less than 250mm. If you actually do have a FarmBot with dimensions smaller than this, you can continue using those short axis lengths and simply ignore the warnings.


  • Updated contact form verbiage to indicate user’s can include their phone number or other contact information if desired.
  • Updated the introductory message center cards shown to new users.

Coming soon

Behind the scenes the team has been working hard on rewriting the entire firmware handler in FBOS, fixing bugs, getting ready for StealthChop mode in the firmware, and improving the in-app tours functionality for new users. A lot of updates are right around the corner with FBOS v14. Stay tuned!

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