V-Wheel (Free Replacement)
We have unfortunately identified that a percentage of Genesis v1.6 and v1.7 kits included V-wheels with inner diameters that are slightly too small. Because of this tolerance error, small cracks were formed in the inside of the wheel when the bearings were pressed in. Over time, usage, sun exposure, and thermal expansion and contraction can cause these cracks to grow until the wheel breaks apart. We regret that this manufacturing mistake may have impacted your FarmBot kit.
To request free replacement wheels, simply order this product and checkout like any other online purchase. If this is the only item in the shopping cart, there will be a free shipping option.
Note: This product is for a single replacement wheel. We advise you to inspect all of the wheels on your FarmBot and order enough to replace every wheel that shows internal cracks. Please do not order more than necessary.